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IBO and Women's Networking Committee Member Tami Ellen McLaughlin has success with Sober St Patrick's Day

Saturday, April 02, 2022 9:06 AM | Anonymous

IBO and Women's Networking Committee Member Tami Ellen McLaughlin, who is also Executive Director of Sober St Patrick's Day, writes with an update about that event: 

Sober St. Patrick's Day® had a super and soggy day with our first march in the NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade, followed by our Post Parade Celebration at Old St. Patrick's Youth Center, and our second YouTube Premiere for our digital diaspora.

Several IBO members leant their support: Shelley Ann Quilty Lake, Eileen Scully, Carolyn Walsh Parry, Bridget O'Brien; Jim Frawley and Samantha Kelly hosted the in-person party and YouTube Premiere!

Read all about it in the latest Sober St. Patrick's Day Newsletter here:

Enjoy the second annual Sober St. Patrick's Day YouTube Premiere here: 

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