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OUR Mission




The Irish Business Organization of New York is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nondenominational association which seeks to promote, foster, and advance the business interests of Irish and Irish-American people.  Founded in 1973, the Irish Business Organization of New York Inc. is chartered to:

  • Encourage, increase, and further the business interests of its members in the tristate area, United States, and internationally
  • Sponsor noteworthy guest speaker programs and social events throughout the year  
  • Promote programs designed to improve the economic, intellectual, and social status of its members

The IBO provides a forum for Irish and Irish-American businesspeople and their friends and colleagues.   Through its regular networking meetings, the IBO holds more than 25 events a year including monthly evening events, monthly business breakfasts and other member events such as marching in the NYC St. Patrick's Day parade, a summer party, and a special holiday gathering.

WE THANK OUR ANNUAL Partners & Sponsors

IBO Sponsor Bank of Ireland

IBO Sponsor Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme

Irish Business Organization
of New York, Inc.

 ©2025 Irish Business Organization of New York, Inc.

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