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Join the Irish Consulate and march in NYC Pride!

Friday, June 24, 2022 9:56 AM | Anonymous

The Consulate will again march in New York City Pride this year!

The 53rd NYC Pride March will begin at noon on June 26th from 25th Street and 5th Avenue. Marchers will proceed south on 5th Avenue before heading west through Greenwich Village and dispersing in Chelsea at 16th Street and 7th Avenue.

All are welcome to take part in this special day by walking with the Irish parade group and with our Ireland float, taking in the fantastic atmosphere, and enjoying music by renowned Irish DJ Fiona Walsh.

We welcome LGBTQI+ and allies alike, as well as anyone with an interest in or affiliation with Ireland. Spread the word! The Irish theme at the New York march – “Amach le Chéile – Out Together” – reflects the inclusiveness of the modern nation which Ireland has become. Please find more details on the event, and register here: We are restricted on the number of marchers this year, so do register promptly if interested! 

WE THANK OUR ANNUAL Partners & Sponsors

IBO Sponsor Bank of Ireland

IBO Sponsor Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme

Irish Business Organization
of New York, Inc.

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