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New birth registry offers information and tracing

Tuesday, November 01, 2022 10:26 AM | Anonymous

A member has passed along news to us of the Irish government's new registry for birth information, which may be of interest. Here are a few notes from the government's press release: 

A new law provides a right of access to birth certificates, birth and early life information for all persons who were adopted, boarded out, the subject of an illegal birth registration or resided as a child in a mother and baby home or county home institution. Additionally, it allows for access to information by a child of a relevant person where their parent has died, and for access by the next of kin of a child who died in an institution.

For the first time these people will have a clear right of access to their full birth certificates, and birth, early life, care, and medical information.

The law also established a new tracing service, enabling affected persons and those connected to them to actively seek contact or share information. The Act also introduced a wide range of new measures to address issues arising for people affected by illegal birth registration. A broad spectrum of counselling and support is available, on request, to persons affected. All of these services will be free of charge. 

Information and Tracing services are now open to applications. Applications can be made through

The Tracing service will enable affected persons and their relatives to actively search for each other, either for contact, or to request or share information, including vital medical information.

For more information, see the government press release and visit

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