Member Brian Moran is offering a great discount for members to join his Bricks or Sticks class, which he is conducting with colleague Jocelyn Ring. Here is a link to the registration page -
IBO members interested in joining should use the code word FAMILY (in all CAPS) in the promo code box. That will make the class $250 instead of $497. Classes start December 5th. In January, the workshop price will go up to $997.
A testimonial from Paul Finnegan, IBO President 2022/23:
Having recently committed to a new business venture of my own in recent weeks, I have found the Bricks or Sticks course to be extremely foundational to my thinking, and that is what the course is all about, building a solid foundation. IBO member Brian Moran and his associate Jocelyn Ring cover everything from determining what kind of business person you are, to various mindsets, to GPS planning, to 'what-ifs', to branding, and much more. The course can be taken in the stride of your busy life (and it also discusses time management at length). I highly recommend it to our members, especially at the discounted rate Brian is offering IBO members.
More details on the workshop from Brian:
During the workshops, we will:
- Examine three types of business ownership to see which one makes the most sense for each participant and how they should structure their business and avoid pitfalls
- Discuss the differences between a reactive mindset and a proactive one (and how to be more proactive in business)
- Put together “GPS Plans” that help business owners navigate uncertain and uncharted territory to achieve their strategic goals
- Play a game called “What If…” and put together contingency plans, so they know how to get around obstacles before they reach them (this means more peace and better sleep)
- Review internal and external brand messaging to better engage with customers, prospects, and employees so they don’t chase marketing “shiny objects” that promise to hook customers and talent.
- Lastly, Jocelyn and I will share our “secret sauce” for success. It’s something we call DCA—Discipline, Commitment, and Accountability. This is what we’ve found to be the missing link for 99% of business owners.
Each week, we will release new content which will include a series of videos and a PDF workbook.
We will have a one-hour live discussion with everyone in the workshop on Thursdays at 11:00 am ET.
There will be a private Facebook group where participants can network with one another and ask us questions. We’ll be very active in the discussions there.