We've been sent word of this impressive event taking place on the evening of Tuesday, February 28th. From the notice:
We would like to warmly invite you to our showcase and networking event in the New York Irish Centre on the evening of February 28th.

This event has been organised to highlight the developing All-Island Cancer Research Institute (AICRI; www.aicri.org) and also explore the opportunities presented by this exciting initiative to further promote collaborative interactions between the US and Ireland in the area of cancer research. The event will also talk in a significant way about the legacy of the Good Friday Agreement, which this year marks its 25th anniversary.
The Ireland America Science Forum, University College Dublin Alumni, Queen's University Belfast Alumni and Consulate General of Ireland, New York, join AICRI as event co-hosts. The format of the evening will be largely based on our recent successful event in Boston, where we brought various leaders in medicine, science, industry, business and other areas together.
We anticipate a similar interesting evening of discussion and networking, with a stellar panel including Prof Mark Lawler (QUB), Dr Róisín O'Cearbhaill (MSKCC) and Dr John Greally (Albert Einstein College of Medicine & Montefiore Medical Centre), with Dr Geraldine McGinty (Weill Cornell Medicine) acting as chair.
The AICRI Team would be delighted to have IBO members join, as we are keen to widen the scope of our networking base to also include leaders from outside the scientific arena.
Find further details on the event registration page.