Tangible's 'Stirring the Bull!' via Zoom
Co-sponsored by the Irish Business Organization
New York and the World
Thursday 4th May, 2023, at 5 pm NY time and 10 pm Irish time/Tangible time.

Join IBO members and others for a mix of inspiration, leadership, project reviews, success analysis, outcomes, and networking
Free Event! PLEASE SEND REQUEST FOR ZOOM INVITATION by email to: ambassador@tangible.ie
Featured New Yorkers:
Jennifer Muldowney: The Glam Reaper (Founder/CEO Muldowney Memorials)
Nicholas Michael: Director of Development, Irish American Partnership
Colin O'Brien, CEO of Peggy Rain (Almost a New Yorker!)
Brian McCabe: Update on the American Irish Historical Society
Brian Moran, Founder CEO Small Business Edge.
Colleen Berry Conway, Founder Ogham Art & Secretary IBO
Noreen Bowden, Cofounder VotingRights.ie and Communications Officer IBO: update on voting rights for Irish citizens abroad
Paul Finnegan, Founder/CEO Shantalla & President IBO 2023
See the Tangible website.