A series of business seminars for and presented by members and friends of the Irish Business Organization of New York.
Join us for our May 30th 2015 - Saturday Seminar

Guest Speaker: Shelley Ann Quilty-Lake
Shelley Ann Quilty-Lake hails from County Wexford, Ireland, and received her advanced education in both Ireland and the United States. She is an associate with Meenan & Associates, LLC, which is a firm dedicated to making a difference in the lives of its clients through the quality representation it provides.
She serves as the trusted legal counsel of individuals within New York City and the State, and has garnered an array of experience in state and federal courts. She believes very strongly in the importance of providing personalized attention and spending the time required to ensure all individuals she represents obtain the best possible outcome.
Shelley Ann has significant experience in litigation matters in the civil, employment, civil rights and estate fields, as well as in handling wills, trusts and estates matters. The diversity of the areas in which she practices have strengthened and enhanced her legal skills. Shelley Ann also credits her Irish background and experiences in the States for honing her tenacity as an advocate.
Admission is free. Coffee and tea will be available.
Irish Center - Long Island City - Queens
11am -1pm
New York Irish Center
10-40 Jackson Ave
Long Island City (Queens), NY 11101
The New York Irish Center is located in Queens, just one subway stop from Grand Central Station on the 7 train. (Vernon-Jackson stop).
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