November 2016:
IBO Evening Meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 9th with guest speakers Shane Cahill - Vice Consul General at the Consulate of Ireland in New York, Siobhán Hanley - Vice President of Technology at IDA Ireland, and Ross O'Colmain - Senior Vice President for New York at Enterprise Ireland. The election to select a new IBO President for 2017 will also happen at this meeting.
Please see the guidelines for election below:
Nominees for 2017 IBO President:
Nicholas Malito
William Lee
Eligibility to Vote:
A member must attend at least three IBO events within the past 12 months and all dues fully paid and up to date. Attendance at the November 9th evening meeting counts towards one of the three events.
If you have any questions about your eligibility to vote or to request an absentee ballot, please email the IBO Secretary at Secretary@IBONewYork.org.
If you have any questions about your membership status, please email the IBO Membership Officer at Membership@IBONewYork.org
*You must be a paid 2016 IBO member to vote!
** Absentee ballots will only be sent by request to members who are already eligible to vote.
***Members will also be voting on changes to the IBO Constitution.
Details will be emailed to members and will be available on the members section of the website.
If you have any other questions about the IBO please feel free to contact the 2016 IBO team below.
2016 IBO Executive Board
Sean McNeill, President
Nicholas Malito, 1st Vice President
Bernadette Conaty, 2nd Vice President
Paul Tuffy, Treasurer
Michelle Carroll Dallhoff, Communications Officer
Mary Zehnter, Membership Officer
Ann Marie O'Dea, Secretary
Email: info@IBONewYork.org
2016 IBO Members and first time non-members may attend free of charge.
Non-members: $20
Registration open to Members and Guests.
Become a new member of the IBO
Renew your 2016 IBO membership