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The Ireland Chamber of Commerce - USA St. Patrick's Day Breakfast

  • Friday, March 17, 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • The Lotte New York Palace Hotel, 455 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10022

Every St. Patrick’s Day the Ireland Chamber of Commerce – USA (ICCUSA) hosts the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast, immediately preceding the historic parade up Fifth Avenue. The event is attended by various high level dignitaries, ICCUSA members, as well as invited guests. It is held at the Lotte New York Palace Hotel in New York City where members and invitees have the great networking opportunity to expand their business and philanthropic goals. Highlights of the event include performances by traditional Irish singers and dancers, raffle prizes and the generous array of Irish delicacies.

Interested in attending the breakfast, please contact Victoria Kamouh at


WE THANK OUR ANNUAL Partners & Sponsors

IBO Sponsor Bank of Ireland

IBO Sponsor Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme

Irish Business Organization
of New York, Inc.

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