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IBO May 2017 Evening Meeting with Guest Speaker Joanne Bloomfield

  • Wednesday, May 10, 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016


Registration is closed

IBO May 2017 Evening Meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 10th, doors open 6:30 p.m. and meeting starts at 7:15 p.m. at Scandinavia House

Guest Speaker: Joanne Bloomfield

Guest Speaker: Joanne Bloomfield, President of The Marketing Boutique, Marketing Communications and Neuromarketing Lecturer, and Fellow of the Royal Chartered Institute of Marketing

Originally from the United Kingdom, Joanne’s experience in marketing and graphic design spans 30 years. Her role as a marketing agency owner and consultant began 21 years ago when she founded her first agency. She is currently the President of The Marketing Boutique, a highly creative agency specializing in branding and campaigns.

Throughout the course of her career, Joanne has become a leader in the field of Neuromarketing,  term which refers to the application of neuroscience in everyday marketing. Neuromarketing is a relatively new discipline that is transforming how marketeers interact with consumers on a B2C and B2B basis. Joanne is at the forefront of this field and lectures on Marketing Communications and Neuromarketing in universities throughout Europe and the USA.

Joanne is also an accomplished graphic designer, an expert communications strategist both online and offline, and has been published in 7 countries worldwide.

She has a proven track record of delivering highly effective direct marketing campaigns and has been nominated for several national direct marketing awards, including the Best Low Volume B2B Direct Marketing Campaign.


Members and and first time non-members may attend free of charge.

Non-members: $20

Registration open to members and guests.

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