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Annual Bloomsday Celebration and John Quinn Memorial Address

  • Tuesday, June 13, 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Federal Hall Wall Street, New York, New York 11206

Please join the Irish American Bar Association for this year's Bloomsday Celebration and John Quinn Memorial Address on June 13th at Federal Hall.

Keynote speaker will be David McCraw, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of the New York Times, who will deliver a talk in the celebratory spirit of the day entitled: “Two Facts Walked into a Bar…Truly True Tales of Fake News and the First Amendment in the Age of Twitter.” 

Here is a link to register for the event - https:// iabany-bloomsday-celebratio n-2017-tickets-34295139686

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IBO Sponsor Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme

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