March with the Irish Consulate in
World Pride in NY on Sunday 30 June!
Continuing on last year's success, the IBO would like to once again join with the Irish Consulate in marching in the New York World Pride Parade. All are welcome to march with us.

REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/march-with-the-irish-consulate-in-world-pride-in-ny-on-sunday-30-june-tickets-62824702376
Do I have to be a member of the LGBTI+ community, or Irish to join the contingent?
Not at all: all are welcome to join with us who have an interest in or link with Ireland and who want to show their support! We would love to have you march with us!
Where do we meet on the morning of 30 June?
We will be registering participants on the morning of June 30 at the Irish-owned Churchill Tavern at 25 E. 28th Street (just beside the 28th Street Subway Station). We will be asking people to come between 10:30am and 12:30pm to collect your t-shirt and check in! We will then assemble by 1pm on 30th Street between 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue, prior to stepping off as a group. Remember that you will be unable to cross 5th Avenue South of 34th Street from 10:30am on the morning of the parade so be sure to plan your travel accordingly!
How long will the march take?
You should allow a minimum of three hours for the march, including waiting time from 1pm onwards.
What will the Consulate provide?
We will provide t-shirts on the morning of the event, and will also have a stock of Irish and Rainbow flags, badges and beads to distribute!
What can I bring into the event?
You should make sure you are well protected with the sun, with sunblock and sunglasses! Make sure you are well hydrated also! No alcohol is allowed when marching and you can find a full list of the rules and regulations here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/nyc-pride/uploads/2019+March+Rules.pdf
If you are with an Irish organisation, please feel free to bring a sign for your organisation, or wear their badge, but no banners please other than the "Amach le chéile" banner, which we will all walk behind!
What happens afterwards?
We will be re-assembling back at a venue after the March and would love to see you there for a cold drink after we reach the end point! More details to follow!
How can I contact the Consulate with any questions?
You can email worldpride2019@dfa.ie with any queries