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April Breakfast Networking

  • Tuesday, April 26, 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
  • ZOOM


Registration is closed

April Breakfast Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, April 26 at 8 AM
on Zoom

All welcome! 

Beth Granger will speak on "Unleashing the Power of LinkedIn"

Some people still think of LinkedIn as a place to go if you are looking for a job, but it is so much more than that. Even people who are active there may not realize the power it holds to extend your networking, find and engage with prospects and community, and build your professional brand. This session makes you think in a different way to begin using LinkedIn strategically.

Beth Granger works with organizations and individuals who want to fill their sales pipeline, supercharge their prospecting and networking, advance in their career, and build their professional brand, all using LinkedIn.

She is a trainer, consultant, speaker, moderator, emcee, and certified virtual speaker. She loves helping people who are not comfortable with technology to embrace its power.

Beth also helps produce and facilitate engaging and interactive online networking events for American Business Associates and is a host of LinkedIn Local, a series of events designed to let attendees “meet the people behind the profiles.”

Before starting her own consulting company Beth was the director of Online Marketing and Design at Pall Corporation, a global industry leader in filtration and separation. Beth provided the vision, strategic-planning, and management for all initiatives related to the global multi-language website. She also directed the web and corporate design departments, and the global corporate identity program.

Beth is on the board of the Social Media Association and is a former board member of the NYC chapter of the National Speakers Association. Beth is currently a beta-tester for the LinkedIn Audio Events feature.

As ever, there will be an opportunity to "network, communicate, reciprocate", as we gather to share our news and be together. 

Register for the zoom link, which you'll get shortly before the meeting.

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Irish Business Organization
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