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The livestream will start at 6:30 - if the link doesn't work, please log in to Facebook and search for IBONewYork.
May Evening Event
Wednesday, May 11
at 6:00 PM ET
In Person at the
Bank of Ireland NYC Hub
2 Grand Central Tower, 41st Floor
140 E 45th St, New York, NY 10017
Join us for an in-person meeting!
Featuring Guest Speaker
Sean Davis
Regional Director of
Enterprise Ireland for the Americas
Enterprise Ireland helps Irish companies to achieve global success. They are the government organization responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. They work in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate, and win export sales in global markets - supporting sustainable economic growth, regional development, and secure employment.
Sean's 16-year career with Enterprise Ireland has included four years covering the Middle East and North Africa out of Dubai.
Read more about Sean on his LinkedIn profile.
Please note: the venue requires vaccination.