November Evening Meeting
Topical Topics in Business
Wednesday, November 8
at 6:00 PM ET
Bank of Ireland NYC Hub, 140 E 45th Street, 41st Floor, New York
Join us for an in-person meeting
or watch us on our Facebook page!
On the heels of our wonderful night out celebrating our 50th anniversary, join us as we meet again for our regular monthly evening.
Richard Charge
RPC Advisors
The Employee Retention Credit (ERC)
Catherine Flood
Croston Flood Recruiting
How to work with a recruiter
Jenny O'Leary
The Artificial Intelligence career path
MC: Mary Gallivan
Greycroft LLC, Life and Leadership Coach
We'll be accepting nominations for our executive board.
Please only register if you can attend in person - and remember, you can watch on the IBO Facebook Page! We'll go live on Facebook at around 6:30 or so.
As ever, we'll further our mission to
"Network, Communicate, Reciprocate!"