November Breakfast Meeting
Tuesday, November 26 at 8 am on Zoom
Reviving THE DEAD
James Joyce’s (and the Irish Rep’s) Christmas Classic Back at the American Irish Historical Society
With Special Guest Jean Hanff Korelitz
Novelist, playwright, essayist, theater producer and co-adaptor of James Joyce’s THE DEAD, 1904

Irish Repertory Theatre’s “THE DEAD, 1904” returns to the American Irish Historical Society for a seven-week run, November 16th through January 5th.
Click Here to Visit The Dead, 1904 Website
Join us on Zoom for our lively monthly gathering. As always, we'll network with each other and enjoy the wisdom and insight of our featured guest. Everyone is welcome!
Zoom link provided with RSVP confirmation and again on the morning of the meeting.
About Jean Hanff Korelitz
Jean Hanff Korelitz was born in New York City and graduated from Dartmouth College and Cambridge University. She is the author of nine novels, including THE SEQUEL (October ‘24), THE LATECOMER and THE PLOT (both in development as limited series), YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN (adapted by David E. Kelley as HBO’s 2020 limited series, THE UNDOING, starring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant), the New York Times bestselling ADMISSION (adapted as the 2013 film starring Tina Fey), THE DEVIL AND WEBSTER, THE WHITE ROSE, THE SABBATHDAY RIVER, and A JURY OF HER PEERS. In addition, Korelitz is the author of a collection of poems, THE PROPERTIES OF BREATH, and a middle grade reader, INTERFERENCE POWDER. With her husband, Irish poet Paul Muldoon, she adapted James Joyce’s THE DEAD as an immersive theater piece which was staged by New York City’s Irish Repertory Theatre for three seven-week runs in 2016, 2017 and 2018, and will return in the fall of 2024. She is the creator of BOOKTHEWRITER, which runs “Pop-Up Book Groups”, small gatherings with authors to discuss great books. THE PLOT was featured on The Tonight Show as the Fallon Summer Reads 2021 pick. Korelitz lives in New York City and has two grown up children.